Monday, September 21, 2009

World Peace Day

Today is the International Day for Peace.. Did you know about this? I sure didn't. Is it really a "cease-fire" day? Was not one shot fired? Not one person killed by another in the name of war? Doubtful. Here is a documentary that was made by a man named Jeremy Gilly of Peace One Day. In it he tells his story about how he accomplished having September 21st declared as an International Day of Peace. But his journey goes far beyond that- he continued his quest to try and get governments around the world to actually CEASE FIRE.

And here's a video from Matisyahu's latest album "Light"::
It's about PEACE ONE DAY.


  1. The Montessori schools around the world sang for peace for 24 hours straight today and the boys school sang from 11 to 11:30.


  2. That is so GREAT! I would love to see some sort of video montage of that.. hmmm..
