Saturday, June 20, 2009

Random thoughts from this week:

I know I keep posting these pics of tropical places, but they are my
motivation to stay focused and make it happen!
(On Thursday)
What is with these allergies??? I've never had it this bad. It's taken me 4 days to realize that it's not a cold, it's just stinkin' allergies.. which feel the same, really. I'm tired, I can't sleep at night, my head hurts, my nose is runny, and my throat is scratchy.. pretty much the same as a cold- except it's not going away! I had/have certain goals for June that I wanted to accomplish as far as training goes, and this week has messed it up a bit. But today I am going to do something, maybe if I train it will help move this crap through and OUT of my system, and maybe I'll be able to to fall asleep tonight. Another reason why I would like to experience a different climate!

My goals for training included really working hard on my handstands, backbends, and muscle ups (by sticking to the schedule I devised back in May), and doing a lot of metcons and running to prepare me for Potlatch in 2 weeks and the beach tourney in 3 weeks. I want to feel strong running-wise for these tournaments so that I can play well (since I'm playing on really good teams) and so that I'm not COMPLETELY wrecked for 3 days after they're over. Doing that much running (Potlatch= 3 days, Beach= 2 days IN SAND) after not really running that much is just asking for some sort of injury or incredible soreness. So today I am back on the running/metcon horse, despite my runny nose and clogged sinuses. It's not a cold, so I'm pushing through this crap.

(On Saturday)
Thursday I did a great metcon that worked me but was also focused on my strengths:
4 Rounds for time of-
Run 400m (the Rip City 400- we don't actually know how long it is, but I think it is more than 400)
20 KB Swings
10 Pullups
I completed it in just under 20 minutes which was my goal (my exact time is in my wod book which is not with me at the moment).
Then on Friday I decided to do a metcon that would challenge some of my weaknesses:
From "J.T."
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand Pushups
Ring Dips
This one was officially a painstorm for me at 29:25.. A far cry from Annie doing it in 9:49 here.. It was pretty brutal.. All pushing. Even though pushups are a strength of mine, after doing HS pushups and ring dips, the regular pushups felt like I had 100 pounds on my back. Good, hard workout. And humbling.

I am still feeling the effects of this allergy/cold thing. But besides a clogged head and a slight cough, I feel great. I am the perfect amount of sore:)

Last night we spent some time hanging out with friends and being social, going off the diet (the true meaning of diet: habitual nourishment) a bit, which was good for us. We find that we are most likely to "cheat" when we are out socializing at parties, etc. We usually "go off" of our clean eating once or twice a week and it seems to work well for both of us. It's amazing, though, how different I feel when I do go off. After spending so much time and energy creating a clean and smoothly running system, when I have a couple drinks and sweets, I really feel the difference the next day. A slight headache and a little more groggy than normal- but not bad. I'm just glad that I am sensitive to it now.. Two years ago I wouldn't have noticed- in fact I didn't!

I'm still planning on teaching English and travelling next year. I found a good program in Phuket, Thailand that is a bit cheaper than the other one I mentioned a couple posts ago. I can make it happen with about $3,000.. that's including airfare, food, a place to stay, the course, and some extra cash for emergencies. And that's considering airfare from Mexico or Belize, which is where I want to go first for like a month. Add on another $2,000 for after Thailand while getting a job and setting up living space in Japan or where ever I/we get jobs. So, I'm looking at saving between $5,000-$6,000 by next February... hmmmm... need to scheme up some more ways to make money and save it! I have never saved this much money, not even close, but I know I can make it happen! I want it badly enough..

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Keep up the great work! Love the tropical pics. I'll be keeping those in mind in the middle of workouts!
