Saturday, May 16, 2009

Missed a few days..

It's been a few days since I posted.. here's what I've done the last two days..

Thursday: Gymnastics Class at Omega
Lots of handstand work- facing wall, free, hs roll, tuck up, pike up, straddle up, pirouette attempts, etc..
Tumble Track- punch jumps, straight jumps, hollow jumps, arch jumps, front handsprings, jump back drill for back handsprings, front tuck attempts onto big mat
P-Bar walks, P-Bar Hops, P-Bar L-Sit walks
1 Rope Climb- 5 steps without feet

Friday: My WOD
Buy In-
10 TGUs each side 12kg
30 Double Unders
WOD- 5 Rounds for time 14:42
10 Knees to Elbows
10 KB Snatches- 5 each side 16kg
10 Box Jumps 24 inches
Cash Out-
Accumulate 1 minute Hollow Hold
Accumulate 1 minute Arch Hold

I've been using this "Buy In & Cash Out" used by CrossFit 603. It's a pretty cool concept of just adding in a few more exercises into a one hour workout. On days that I only have one hour (which are not preferable over days with 3+ hours) to train I have implemented their idea of Buy Ins and Cash Outs. That way I have a little more structure and efficiency to my hour. Obviously it is more ideal to have multiple hours a day to train so that I can spend plenty of time on skills, strength, and metcon.. But unfortunately not everyday allows that. By the way, CrossFit 603 has some killer wods too:)

We got our GHD!!! It's assembled and tested, and it ROCKS. The thing is HUGE. It's a step up from the ones I've used before, it's actually quite a BEAST of a piece of equipment. I'm excited to incorporate it into my training. Soon I will have such a stable and strong core that I will no longer be dealing with sciatic pain:)

Our garage is looking pretty nice these days.. We've organized and cleaned up a bit, still more to do, and a few more things on the wish list to buy (like a Concept 2 Rower!), but it's getting there! Now it's time to pick up our marketing so we can get some more people in there! Exciting times for us.

Tomorrow is Sunday. My favorite day. I am usually overly ambitious about how much stuff I want to do on Sunday. Tomorrow I am planning on finishing up filming for our video for The Amazing Race, doing some bouldering at Circuit (or Parkour outside), in addition to a couple of hours of training (handstands, backbends, and muscle ups) in the garage, working in the garden (which is sort of pathetic right now), having my brother over, and of course all of the chores like sweeping and laundry. Phew! Seems like I might not get to all of it, but it will be a great day any way! I'll just be glad to get outside.. Today I am missing the entire beautiful sunny day, stuck inside at work........

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