Friday, April 24, 2009

Four Days of Rest

Today was my first training day in four days.. So of course I decide to throw something really hard at myself: CINDY. Here's what Cindy is-

20 minutes for rounds:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Last time I did her I got 14 rounds plus 6 pushups, in August '08... This time, I was shooting for 15. I figured I was rested and I had the energy. The results= 14 rounds plus 10 pushups. Arg. Better, but not quite 15. I would probably get it if someone else did it with me, someone to compete with, because that's just how I am. Oh well, I can't be disappointed with improvement!

The colonoscopy went well, everything looks normal. They took a biopsy of my colon and I will find out in a couple of weeks that everything is all good. I was a little bothered by the fact that the dr. was talking to me during the procedure when I was all doped up (or down?) on these crazy sedatives that made the whole experience feel like a dream. So, of course I don't remember all of what he said and whether or not it as important. I remember opening my eyes in the middle of the procedure and looking up at the screen and seeing my colon. The dr. was asking me if I use laxatives and I was like "No, but I used to until I found out it was bad for you then I stopped, now I use a fiber supplement" and he said that using laxatives can make your colon appear blotchy and discolored, which is what mine looked like. But I was high and so I fell back asleep until they were done.. And then of course the dr, did not come talk to me when I was leaving. So now I am unsure if it was a bad thing that my colon was discolored and if I should stop using my fiber supplement or WHAT. Frustrating. So I will call the dr. next week to find out more. Other than that, everything was fine.

I am looking forward to the start of my newly re-vamped training schedule. I am picking certain skills to focus on, what days to focus on which ones, what days to do strength and what days to do metcons. The skills I am going to be focusing on are: muscle up, straddle handstand press, front handspring, and back handspring. Also, we are going to start going to a couple of other gymnastics classes and I am going to going to go to a Parkour class on Tuesdays, I am SUPER excited for this one. So this is what my schedule will look like:
Sundays- MetCon, Parkour outside or Climbing
Mondays- MetCon or Strength WOD
Tuesdays- MetCon or Strength WOD, Parkour Class
Wednesdays- Rest
Thursdays- MetCon or Strength WOD, Gymnastics Class
Fridays- MetCon or Strength WOD, Gymnastics Open Gym
Saturdays- Rest
Of course I will be doing the appropriate amount of stretching and icing and massage (when I have the money for it) to ensure proper recovery. I think this schedule will keep me from over training, and it is structured enough so that I will be able to focus on my skills practice and achieve them!

The voting for the Gymnastic Bodies contest is in full swing and I am currently in second place with 9 votes to the other guy's 12. We have until the 1st of May to get people to sign on to the forum and vote, so I am pushing my peeps to get on it for me... We'll see what happens!

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