Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stupid Men Piss Me Off

I have a client who's boyfriend is a complete douche bag. In fact, he used to be my client. I used to like him, I thought he was a good guy. But then he had me train his new girlfriend and stopped training with me- big mistake on his part. He trains with me once in a while and when he does, he is certainly in for an unbelievable ass-kicking. See, when I first met his girlfriend, I honestly couldn't stand her. I saw (er, judged) her as a drama queen, hella tan, unintelligent, superficial airhead. I was wrong. While there are some aspects to her personality that definitely puzzle me, after almost a year of training her, I really like her now. She has gone through a lot to get to where she is now. When we met, she was pretty insecure (although, she wouldn't admit it), and had way effed up eating habits. She was a bit of a wild-child. She's had a sketchy history with dating some total assholes who treated her like crap, but now she is realizing her own self-worth. She still takes some shit though. Yesterday she told me that "he" said her arms were getting too big. I could literally feel my blood start to boil. This woman is about 5'7"-5'8" no more than 135, and between 19-21% body fat. Not that any of that matters in relation to his comment.. but, really? 'He is intimidated by strong women' I tell her.. 'He needs you to be completely dependent on him to make him feel like a man'. It makes me want to vomit, all over HIM. Up until recently, she has depended on him for money. Pretty sure this is how some of her past relationships were too. Now she's starting a career so that she can be more independent, which is awesome. Imagine what this is doing to her 'my money = my worth' boyfriend. He is threatened by the possibility of her independence, and he should be because during all of the self-realization she has been going through, she's also realizing (hopefully) that he is manipulative and emotionally abusive (to me, they are the same thing). I ask her why she is with him when she tells me some of the things that he says to her (like: My money is appreciating, therefore I am appreciating. You- your looks are depreciating, so you're depreciating. --- OhMyFuckingGod), and she says that she really thinks that he is just stupid, that he doesn't realize the mean things he says or does. OH PLEASE. And she loves him, he's not like that all the time. Sounds like an abusive relationship if I've ever heard of one. Now, I know that she exaggerates a little. But what she talks to me about has to come from somewhere, she can't possibly be making all of it up. I just pray to the Goddesses that once she feels like she can leave him financially, she will. Otherwise I throw my arms in the air. What a pathetic, sorry excuse for a man.

Today is a rest day, hallelujah. We are having our friends Ben and Lorraine over for dinner tonight after we both get off work. They are the first dinner guests we've had since we moved, we still don't have a table so it looks like we'll be going Japanese style:) It's not as nice of a day as I thought it was going to be today, which is okay, because I'm stuck inside all day. As the summer approaches, I may have to tell march wellness that this Saturday thing isn't working out! I'll give it a couple more months and see where things go, because after all, change always happens in life. Health insurance is nice, however. I went to the digestive doc on Tuesday and I am getting a colonoscopy next week. It's weird to say that I actually WANT to get a colonoscopy, it's such a dreadful experience. The worst part isn't the colonoscopy itself, it's the day before. I can't eat and I have to drink this gallon jug of salty, sort of gelatinous liquid that causes the gag reflex. One cup every 15 minutes or something horrendous like that. We all know how empty you need to be for this procedure, so you can imagine what this juice does. Needless to say, I'll be out of commission on Wednesday and Thursday. But, in spite of going through the unpleasantness of it all, I am glad that I have the insurance to cover getting this done. Then I will know that I am okay and how to proceed treating my symptoms. You better believe I'm eating whatever I want to eat on Thursday when I'm all done and the sedatives wear off.

Peep this insanely strong dude doing Parkour tricks. It is unreal what he can do!


  1. Laney is there a link here so that I can forward this to my friends on FB?
