Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Wednesday = Prep day for colonoscopy on Thursday..

It's 8:19p and I haven't eaten anything in about 22 hours. I have had 3 lemon popsicles today and a half gallon of my laxative drink that is also lemon flavored. Not sick of the popsicles yet, but definitely felt like gagging while drinking the "Golytly". I'm not one to wish myself into the future, but right now I wish it was Thursday afternoon and I had a huge chicken burrito and some tortilla chips with home-made guacamole in front of me.

I do not do well with no food. I could never have an eating disorder. Anorexia? Are you effing kidding me?! No way. I love food and having energy WAY too much. I got through the day pretty easily.. had some tea and a couple popsicles, was able to get through training a few clients just fine. But then I came home and had to start "the drink", and now, four hours later, I am sitting on the couch feeling rather zombi-ish. I feel hungry, but mostly I just feel very fatigued. And a little shaky. I'm supposed to wake up at 8am tomorrow and finish off the remaining half-gallon of nastiness. Brutal. I have to drink one whole cup (8 fl. oz.) every 15 minutes until it is gone and it looks the same coming out as it did going in. Oh man.. I don't know if I can do it..

Or maybe I will just have some chicken pho when I get out of there tomorrow... Mmmm, avocado-coconut milkshake from Pho Jasmine.. That sounds incredible.

Ramman was nice enough to go out to eat tonight after work instead of coming home and cooking a delicious meal right in front of me. What a sweet heart. I think he's eating mexican... lucky.

I just need to watch a movie to take my mind off of feeling hungry, go to sleep, soldier through another intense cleansing session, get to the doctor, get sedated, wake up, be done, and go home to eat and sleep the rest of the day. I can do it.

The past few days Ramman and I have been seriously re-vamping our training program. Since I have had to rest because of my strained neck and my colonoscopy, it has been a perfect time to take a good look at how I am training and how it can be improved so that I can reach my skill and strength goals. I'm super excited to finish putting together my program and get started on it next week. More to come on that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Laney! you have a blog, and you read mine!! It makes me so happy that we can keep in touch. I just read your last entry, and I can relate. I just finished a five day fast, drinking only a little juice mixed with water and honey. Ive never felt so depleted and lethargic in my life. I love food so much. The fruit here is incredible, we were working on a farm with avocado, mango and papaya trees, and coconuts. I went crazy on all of it, you never never get tierd of eating those things. So now Im feeling good, having a blast here, loving every minute. I encourage you to travel and follow your dreams where ever they take you, you wont regret it. How is life in Portland? How is your body? I hope the colonoscopy went well and that there will be some conclusive results. I am learning a lot about the healing properties of different plants, I know there is something out there that can help you. I am feeling way too skiny, I think I have lost most of my muscle mass, none of my clothes really fit anymore. All I have been able to do is yoga and calesthenics, it is a huge challenge to stay fit while traveling. The fast was to cleanse some kind of bug I got down here, and Im feeling like it worked.
    Any way, I just wanted to say I like you and I support you as a bad ass woman,
    Mucho amor
