Monday, April 27, 2009


3x5 SLS (Single Leg Squat)- 8kg/18# KB
3x5 Natural Leg Curls

Finish with 3x10 Hip Extensions.

Also did some muscle up strength training:
False Grip Pullups 3x4
Ring Dips 3x4
Band Assisted MU 3x4

And Handstand Press Training:
Headstand Pike Press 2x5
Headstand Straddle Press 2x5

Here is a video of my SLS:

Melissa Byers put me on her blog! Sweet! She is doing a series of postings featuring "Hot Chicks Doing Pull Ups" so I sent her a video of me doing 8 strict pullups.. My max is 9, the video she posted was my second set of the same day I did 9. She has like 150 followers of her blog, so I'm semi-famousish now:) Thanks for the props Melissa!


  1. Damn Laney!

    That's inspirational stuff. I've been lazy with my training but seeing you workout doing weighted pistols is getting me fired up!

    Gotta get off the computer and do some myself :p


  2. THANKS!:) Those have gotten MUCH stronger in the last few months of gymnastic training.. did jumping ones today..
