Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good WOD, Tough Day.

Yesterday was a well-deserved and much needed rest day. I did absolutely nothing (except for ride my bike into work to train one client who didn't even show up, arg!). I slept a lot. Today I was back at the Gymnastic Bodies WOD with the GB crew up at CrossFit Portland and it was, as Jason would say, a "bear" of a WOD. It was great walking in and immediately forgetting what was making us (me and Ramman) angry just a few minutes before (I'll get into that in a minute). We got there and couldn't help but feel good doing something we love with some really cool people, it was awesome. Not to mention I felt super strong in just about every movement. Finally I felt like all these workouts are making a difference in my strength level. Here's the workout and what I did in parenthesis: Peep the videos too!


Complete 3 sets each of:
1 Embedded Back Lever + 3 assisted OAC
(tucked BL) + 3 Rope assisted OAC (One Arm Chinup)
1 Embedded Planche + 5 elevated HeSPUs
(frogstand) + 5 elevated (about 1.5 inches) HeSPUs (couldn't do 5 in a row but was stoked with the elevation!)
1 Embedded Front Lever + 5 L-sit Lifts
(tucked FL) + 5 L-sit Lifts (using parallettes)

Finish with 10 Bridge Wall Walks
(still can't go all the way down, mostly for fear of falling on my head)
Also 3x10 GHD Situps and Back Extensions


My Assisted OAC:

Now, about the thing that Ramman and I were so mad about, never mind. I wrote this big ol' long post about how shitty my day was but then I decided to delete it. I vented in writing, and even though I was the only person to read it, I feel better. There's no point in dwelling on the bad things that happened today, they are not world ending problems, there will be solutions. So instead I will continue manifesting greatness. These things are just speed bumps on my road to success and freedom. Soon I will look back, as I lay in a hammock on the beach in Belize with my sail boat waiting to taking me on another adventure, on my 20's and exclaim at how far I've come.

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