Complete four rounds:
10 Hopping HeSPUs (not very good at these)
40' Senders
30 seconds of Arch/Hollow Snaps (I thought these would hurt my back and sciatic nerve, but as long as I focused on my deep ab muscles, it was alright.. these are hard!)
1) Rest 20-30 seconds each between each movement.
2) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds.
3) Do not pause during the 30 seconds of Arch/Hollow Snaps. (um, yeah right)
I felt super tired when I woke up this morning and was NOT motivated to do a WOD.. But a few hours later I was at CrossFit Portland jumping over tall obstacles and trying to bounce on my hands. And then I felt better. It was the fourth training day in a row for me today, tomorrow is a rest day and then this weekend is another long weekend of ultimate. Monday, I'm looking forward to a massage........
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