Thursday, April 16, 2009

Helen rocks my world

Perform the following:
3x5 Weighted Box Jumps (28 inches, 17# weight vest)
3x5 Half GHR (band assisted, these are brutal on the hammys)

Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of your most challenging straddle L variation.
(straddle L hold, 7 sets of 10 seconds on parallettes, legs were not up very high as you can see in the picture)

3 Rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 KB Swings (16kg)
12 Pullups


Last night I was feeling a little lost. You see, my entire life I have had a team sport to train for, a season to look forward to, and specific goals in relation to my team, my season, and my own performance. That was my identity. For the last year or so I have been away from team sports and focusing more on individual sports like gymnastics, rock climbing, and parkour. And sometimes I momentarily lose sight of why I am doing all of this, I wonder what my identity is. Why do I train? Well, after it's all said and done- I train for LIFE, that is the main focus, everything else just comes with it. Being healthy, fit, and able to do extraordinary things throughout my life is the ultimate goal. Whatever I choose to do to make this happen is just a vehicle. I can set goals to acheive certain skill goals, make that team, win that contest, get that certification, learn that move.. But it is all for the same purpose: to live my life to it's fullest physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual capacity. My identity is not dependent on any one thing I do. I am all of it.

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